
Showing posts from April, 2018

Leaders or Managers – a Short Treatise

Leaders or Managers – What’s Important? Are they mutually exclusive? Are both needed and of value within the organization?   Some one I work with once asked the question “what do all great leaders have in common?” You most likely have heard this at some point … the answer is followers. That begs the question how does one lead so as to get followers?   The Michigan state motto is "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you." I challenge you to put your powers of observation to use. If you seek a good leader, look about you. There are many to be found – in the work place, in church, in the community, in school, in the family, - the list can go on. You will also observe some leaders that are not so good. These “not so good” present a learning opportunity, the “how not to.” My feeling is that through observation, you will discover some truths and facts that are taught in most classes and seminars on management and leadership. So, to doubly misquote Shakespeare, “Rea...